11 Tips to Make Moving to Canada Easier

There is a great deal of preparation that must be done in the event that you intend on moving to Canada. In this post, we’ll discuss several suggestions that can facilitate an easier adjustment for you and help you feel more at ease once you’ve arrived at your destination. Because this is a significant choice, it is critical to have an accurate understanding of what to anticipate and to be well-prepared for your new life in Canada.

You may have had friends or family who’s already taken the leap to move to Canada. If you’re entertaining the possibility of doing the same, you need to be strategic and prepared in doing so. After all, we only have so many resources to go by, especially once you’ve already set foot in another country, so keep reading to learn more.


Things to Consider to Make your Move to Canada Easier

11 Tips to Make Moving To Canada Easier

You’ve made the decision to move to Canada. Congratulations! You’re taking the first step towards a new life in a beautiful country.

But moving to Canada is a big deal. There are many things you need to consider before making this major life change.

Here are some tips that can help make your move easier:

Organize the proper documents and visas required to work and live in Canada.

The first step toward relocating to Canada is satisfying the requirements for obtaining a work permit and visa. You’ll need:

  • A passport from your home country
  • An open job offer from a Canadian employer, who can sponsor you for your work permit. If you’re self-employed or starting your own business, you may need to apply as an entrepreneur instead.
  • Financial settlement funds (bank statements showing that you have enough money in the bank)

When you’re in Canada, get a local cell phone number.

You need to get a mobile phone plan that is suitable for your needs. You need to get a plan for your mobile phone that fits inside your budget. You need to be sure that the mobile phone plan you choose offers enough coverage not only where you live and work but also wherever you go in Canada. When picking a supplier of cellular service in Canada, you should also look at reviews of the company’s customer service.

Once you have picked out your new Canadian cell phone provider, it’s time to get connected!

Find out if any items could be banned or restricted from entering Canada.

It is possible that learning that there are a number of products that are prohibited or limited from entering Canada will come as a surprise to you. Some of them you might anticipate, while others might take you by surprise.

  • Food, plants and animals: Any food product (including farmer’s market produce) will be inspected by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency upon arrival in Canada and items will either be allowed into the country or destroyed if they are deemed unsafe for consumption. All fresh fruits and vegetables must also be declared on entry forms, even if they were purchased from a supermarket or grocery store within North America. Certain plants can’t be imported without prior approval from Agriculture & Agrifood Canada (AAFC). Animals must meet specific requirements before being allowed entry into Canada; pets need their original health certificate issued by an accredited veterinarian within 10 days of travel by plane or 20 days if traveling by sea vessel.
  • Firearms and ammunition: You’re not allowed to import firearms unless you have authorization from Foreign Affairs, Immigration & Citizenship Canada (CICS), unless they’re temporarily imported through one-day licensing applications.
  • Alcoholic beverages: If you buy alcohol while abroad then bring it back with you into Canada, there’s no tax payable on personal imports as long as the total value does not exceed $1700 CDN per person over 18 years old with no more than five liters of wine; 4 cases beer;1 liter spirits; 60 cans/bottles non-alcoholic beer plus 1 case wine at 19% abv
  • Tobacco products: It is illegal to import tobacco products into any country worldwide including certain states within USA due to World Health Organization’s international treaty against transnational trade in dangerous products such as cigarettes.
  • Prescription drugs: If bringing prescription drugs across border lines then ensure its legal status in both countries before crossing over borders so avoid problems later on during inspections at border crossings which include X-ray machines that screen for banned substances like narcotics.
  • Electronic devices: Devices such as laptops, computers, cellphones, cameras, etc. should all have proper certification.

Create a to-do list that helps you keep track of what needs to be done.

When migrating to Canada, you can’t just sit back and expect everything to go off without a hitch. You need to prepare for it by making a strategy and a list of chores that will assist make the relocation go as smoothly as possible.

If you want to make sure that you are ready for everything that comes with moving, the first thing you should do is make a list of the tasks that need to be performed in order to make the move happen. This will ensure that you are prepared for everything that comes with relocating. This will assist in maintaining a record of what must be done as well as the dates by which each task must be finished.

Once you have an idea of what needs to be done before the day of the move, develop a timetable so that the tasks may be marked off one at a time as they are completed. The last thing anyone wants to be thinking about before their big move day is arriving is whether or not they have forgotten something vital or whether there is anything else that needs to be done before their big relocation!

Make sure that you not only plan out what has to be done but also plan out how long each task will take so that there won’t be any surprises during this stressful period, which could lead to even more stress when trying to figure out where everything went wrong!

Create a budget for the move and for life in Canada.

You are going to need to come up with a budget for the transfer as well as for your new life in Canada. Not only will you be able to avoid going into debt as a result of this, but you will also be able to avoid spending more money than you can afford. Your budget is essentially a snapshot of your current financial status. It provides you with a sense of how much money is coming in and how much money is going out, so that in the event that something goes wrong in your life, such as losing your job, you will know where to turn for help. Creating a budget will not only help with establishing how much money has to be saved before moving, but will also assist with determining the bare minimum amount required.

Your savings should be sufficient to cover any unanticipated costs that may arise in the future; however, if at all possible, you should wait to spend all of your savings until after you have moved into your new residence and have established yourself there first. Your bank account balance should be sufficient to cover any unanticipated costs that may arise in the future.

Research moving fees and other expenses so that the move doesn’t have a negative impact on your finances.

To avoid moving costs from having a negative impact on your finances, it’s important to do your research. Moving fees and other expenses can vary depending on how far you are moving and the services you choose. For example, if you plan to hire movers or pack yourself, those costs may differ greatly. It’s also important to calculate travel costs if you’re travelling by plane or train as well as how much it will cost for food and housing once you’ve arrived at your new location.

It’s common knowledge that Canada is one of the most expensive countries in the world when it comes to living expenses; however, there are still some cities within Canada where living expenses are lower than others (for example Quebec City vs. Toronto). In addition, keep in mind that there are some things that will cost more than they would back home (e.g. groceries) while others might be cheaper (e.g. transportation).

Ask your friends, family and co-workers for help moving.

Moving to a new country is sure to be a stressful experience, so it’s important to surround yourself with supportive people. If your family and friends are close by, they can help you move the physical items in your home. They can also offer emotional support through the process—you’ll need a shoulder to cry on when things get tough! Make sure you have some fun activities planned for everyone once you’ve settled into your new place.

Your co-workers will be another great resource for moving day. Having them around will give you something else to focus on besides moving boxes or unpacking dishes, which will make all of this much easier and less stressful overall!

Become familiar with Canadian laws and regulations, especially those regarding immigration and residency.

  • Get a Canadian passport. This will allow you to travel in and out of Canada easily, and also makes it easier for you to get a job.
  • Get a Canadian driver’s license. If you’re under 35 years old and have an international license, there’s no need to take any driving tests or do any other kind of application process—your driver’s license is automatically converted into one that conforms with Canadian standards.
  • Get a Canadian social insurance number (SIN). This number is used by the government for tax purposes, as well as employment purposes. It can also be used as identification when opening bank accounts or getting credit cards; some employers require employees’ SIN numbers before hiring them; it may be necessary for renting an apartment or buying property; certain businesses like banks require customers who open accounts there first give their SIN numbers;
  • Apply for health insurance through Medicare if needed (Medicare coverage varies from province to province but does cover most medical expenses). You’ll need this card if you want treatment from hospitals or doctors without paying out-of-pocket costs beforehand.

Being familiar with the culture and values of a country before moving can help you succeed in your new home.

When you move to a new home, it is important to be familiar with the culture and values of that country. This will help you fit in better and make friends. It will also prevent you from offending local people and understanding local customs and laws.

Researching job prospects is crucial to finding work in Canada.

Here are some ideas for research:

  • Research job prospects in Canada. There are a number of different websites that can help you with this step, but perhaps the best one is the Government of Canada’s website for international students and skilled workers. It has information about working in Canada after graduation, including what kind of work permits to apply for, whether your education will qualify you as a “skilled worker,” and how much it costs to get that status in terms of fees and paperwork. In addition, if there are any jobs available at all (and there may not be), this website’s “job bank” gives details on what type of companies might have openings or connections with employers who could hire new graduates like yourself.
  • Research job opportunities in your field or industry. You’ll want to know what kinds of jobs exist within your chosen field so that when it comes time to apply for them later on down the road or even before then if possible (like during an internship), then at least some knowledge about those kinds should already exist within your brainwaves instead of having someone else tell us what they think we would like doing instead!

Be sure that your health is protected by purchasing medical insurance before you arrive in Canada.

When you move to Canada, you’ll need to have medical insurance. This is true whether you’re a temporary or permanent resident of Canada. If you don’t have health coverage, the Canadian government will make sure that one is put in place for you at no cost to yourself. However, it’s much better if you can arrange your own health insurance before entering the country by purchasing a private plan from an approved provider in British Columbia or Ontario.


As you prepare to relocate to Canada, we hope that you found this blog post to be informative and helpful. It is a wonderful country that offers a lot of opportunities, and we have no doubt that you will have no trouble establishing yourself there!

READ NEXT: Seasonal Wear in Canada: A Basic Guide

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